A marriage is a deeply personal event where two people join their lives together. Your wedding vows are probably the most important words you’ll ever say in your life. To help you choose the right words to express your devotion and commitment, here are some of our favorite ceremony vows here.
Use one that you like – or feel free to mix and match, personalizing your wedding with your own vows of commitment to each other
And don’t forget to have fun incorporating music, songs, readings, and poems to really make your wedding day “yours.”
- Dearly Beloved – traditional
- Marriage is a Celebration – includes vows to stepchildren
- Marriage is a Commitment of Love – includes unity candle
- Marriage is Love Freely Given – includes unity sand
- Marriage is a Gift from God – includes the parent’s commitment
- Marriage is an Intimate Sharing of Two Lives – includes unity candle
- Marriage is a Partnership
- Celtic Wedding Ceremony
- Tibetan Bell Ceremony
- Poems and Verses